Date: Sat, 18 Jun 1994 19:24:07 +0200

      COUNTRY: Germany
         TOWN: Berlin
         NAME: David Gutig
              (actually there should be two dots
               above the 'u' (ASCIIcode 129) and to pronounce
               it you should set up everything for saying 'u',
               but then in the very last moment say 'e'.
      ADDRESS: Sponholzstr. 34, 12159 Berlin
        PHONE: 8519568 (don't worry if something answers with
               'schmadde' or at 14400 b/s)
      SEX/AGE: male, 21
ACCOMMODATION: standart-3-room-flat-with-kitchen-and-bathroom-type
     LOCATION: south-west of the city with decent access to the
               local bus.
   MAX GUESTS: Approximately 2 would probably feel comfortable.
               (Maybe even more if I get it down with my flat-mates.)
   MAX LENGHT OF STAY: A couple of days. (That should be enought to figure
               out if you could stay longer.)
     EXPENSES: It would be cool if you could participate in our
               constant search for nourishment.
 RESTRICTIONS: no smoking,no junkies,no nazis !
 EXPECTATIONS: I am looking foreward meeting nice people in there
               twenties that are not too dull and not too complicated.
    LANGUAGE SPOKEN: I speak fluently and quite often german (no kidding)
               and passiv svabian. My english is kinda rusty but
               it works alright in most cases (don't try a discussion
               about the use of monosyllabical junctions in the
               romantic period). My french ... well just excuse it.
     THE HOST: Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the
               unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the
               Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting
               this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million
               miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green
               planet whose ape-descended life forms ara so
               amazingly primitiv that they still think digital
               watches are a pretty neat idea.
               Yeah, that's the place where I was born on 9 Feb '73,
               and quite didn't got very far from there.
               Right now I am studying physics at the Freie Universi-
               tat (with two dots on top of the 'a') Berlin. I live
               together with two other physic studends (look for
               schmadde in your hospex datas). I dig listening to
               good music and playing the guitar (so if you got
               something to get loud on, just bring it along).
               I also like doing sports (basketball, soccer,
               snowboarding,...) and stucking around at parties and
               Well, that's it folks. If you got any questions feel
               free to contact me.