Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 12:45:59 +0100

      COUNTRY: United Kingdom
        STATE: Surrey
         TOWN: Camberley GU15 1NJ
         NAME: Kerry Wilson
      ADDRESS: 16 Fairway Heights, Clewborough Drive
        EMAIL: Kerry.Wilson@Uk.Sun.Com
        PHONE: 0276-416432 (day)
      SEX/AGE: Female / 24
ACCOMMODATION: Flat - floor space
     LOCATION: Outskirts
   MAX GUESTS: 1 - 2
   MAX LENGTH: Negotiable
     EXPENSES: Telephone, heating, food
 RESTRICTIONS: No smoking, no alcohol / drug abuse
 EXPECTATIONS: Polite, friendly, well-mannered, respectful
    LANGUAGES: English
     THE HOST: Young female with live in boyfriend. Owns a horse
               and loves most things equestrian. Also has two female
               cats. Does not like smoking