Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 21:01:34 +0100

      COUNTRY: USA / New Hampshire
         TOWN: Hanover
         NAME: Ritula Malhotra
      ADDRESS: 6188 Bradley Hall, Dartmouth College
               Hanover, NH 03755, USA
        PHONE: (603)643-2526
      SEX/AGE: Female/23
ACCOMMODATION: Guest can share room and other facilities in apt
               (preferably female) at a nominal rate,
               around $15 per day.
     LOCATION: Walking distance to everywhere in town, and also
               to Dartmouth College.
   MAX GUESTS: Number who can accomodate themselves in a single person's
               living place.
   MAX LENGTH: 7 days
     EXPENSES: Yes, food and telephone.
 RESTRICTIONS: no smoking or drinking, no noisy disturbances.
 EXPECTATIONS: Decency, friendliness, cleanliness
    LANGUAGES: Very fluent in English and Hindi.
     THE HOST: Friendly, eager to learn about people from
               different places, Indians are especially welcome
        OTHER: Please contact in advance by email or telephone.