Date: Sun, 19 Apr 92 23:46:20 CET

      COUNTRY: Sweden
         TOWN: Stockholm
         NAME: Ian
      SEX/AGE: Male / 45
ACCOMMODATION: one of us sleeps on a sofa
     LOCATION: 10 mins away from the Central Station by bus, foot or tube
   MAX GUESTS: 1 (no space for more than one, but if there is more of you
               I recommend staying in cheap top-quality tourist hostels;
               there is one on a bark, the full-rigger A/F Chapman, moored
               at Skeppsholmen island in the center of Stockholm opposite
               the Royal Palace [tel. +46 8 679 50 15])
    LANGUAGES: English, HyperTalk, Polish, Swedish (same level of fluency)
 EXPECTATIONS: intellectual stimulation on a variety of topics
     THE HOST: owned by a cat in the near future
        OTHER: ___________________ Life Abstract v.2b45 ____________________
               Having reached a stage in life where I am no longer willing
               to work solely in order to sustain and in the process amplify
               the computer habit that I have I now find myself perpetually
               self-unemployed or, shall we say, -underemployed. But that's
               fine with me because that also means that I don't have any
               problems finding suitable research projects to fill up the
               time now at my hands. After many years of soul-searching and
               attempting to define The Purpose of Me Life[tm], if any, I
               have hit upon and now content myself fully with being just
               a Human Factors thinker and tinkerer. So here I am; fly me,
               I'm Ian ['slow fade now to black over the sunset desert'].