Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 00:09:14 +0200

      COUNTRY: Scotland / UK
         TOWN: Dundee
         NAME: Gerald
      SEX/AGE: Male, 22
 RESTRICTIONS: I am an Austrian citizen, but currently studying
               in Scotland, UK. I am currently living in University
               accomodation where hosting people is not possible.
               I'll be able to provide accomodation starting
               October 1994 when I'm back in (Upper) Austria.
               My hometown is Linz. I'll be traveling through
               the States during Summer by motorcylce and would like
               to use this service therefore.
    LANGUAGES: German, English
     THE HOST: Field of studies-
               Business administration and computer science
      HOBBIES: Motorbiking, Hiking, Traveling, Squash, Tennis