Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 10:14:26 +0100

      COUNTRY: United States
        STATE: Mississippi
         TOWN: 6 Mi. north of Starkville
         NAME: Carol Ann
      SEX/AGE: Female, Thirtysomething
ACCOMMODATION: shared, in household
     LOCATION: in farm area north of town
   MAX GUESTS: two
   MAX LENGTH: negociable
     EXPENSES: chip in on food, telephone expenses
 RESTRICTIONS: usual common courtesy
 PRIOR NOTICE: one week?
    LANGUAGES: English mother tongue.
               I speak both German and French, but the
               other people in the house don't
     THE HOST: I have travelled extensively in Europe and
               the United States, have studied and taught
               in Germany, Italy, and France. Presently
               pursuing a doctorage at a rural state university
               in the deep south, in International business.
               The family is a local one,
               not part of the university.
               I do some child care in exchange for my room.
        OTHER: The area is pretty rural, and there's not a lot
               to see. I have previously lived in Paris,
               Heidelberg, Los Angeles, and New York....
               I've done some writing, and am interested
               in all the arts, especially the lively ones.
               I'm only down here for this doctoral program.
               I don't find this tiny town (one movie theater)
               very interesting. We're three hours from Memphis,
               five from Atlanta and New Orleans.
               If you want to stay, you're welcome.