Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 12:30:34 +0100

      COUNTRY: USA, New York
         TOWN: New York City, East Village
         NAME: Juan Carlos
      SEX/AGE: Male, 21
ACCOMMODATION: Shared 2 bedroom aptmt
     LOCATION: Short walk to/from Metro.
   MAX GUESTS: 2 (sorry, this is a small place).
   MAX LENGTH: A couple of weeks ? For 2 people, no more than a week
     EXPENSES: Your food and long distance phone calls.
 RESTRICTIONS: No heavy (smoking, drugs or drinking).
 EXPECTATIONS: Be clean, considerate and try to adjust to (or not to
               interfere with) our schedules.
    LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, and I'll probably understand it
               if you insult me in French : -)
     THE HOST: Student of Computer Science at New York University.
               Quite busy during school terms. I like sports,
               music and outdoor activities.