Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1993 16:22:44 +0100

      COUNTRY: USA / Pennsylvania
         TOWN: State College (central Pennsylvania)
         NAME: Jennifer
      SEX/AGE: Female/24
ACCOMMODATION: plenty of floor space in my apartment
     LOCATION: 30 min walk from Penn State campus, on bus routes
   MAX GUESTS: 3 (arbitrary and negotiable)
   MAX LENGTH: one week (again, arbitrary and negotiable)
     EXPENSES: food, phone
 RESTRICTIONS: smoking only outside on balcony, please
 EXPECTATIONS: I expect you to keep things relatively neat (no clothing
               strewn all through the apartment, no dirty dishes piled
               in heaps, that sort of thing) and to be friendly.
    LANGUAGES: american English
     THE HOST: I am a grad student in chemistry with a background in
               English literature. I have lots of friends who like to
               meet people, and so do I.